How To Make A Blazing Fast SvelteKit Search

Published Feb 20, 2024

Table of Contents


In this post I’m going to show you how you can easily create the same search I use on this site using FlexSearch inspired by the search on the Svelte site.

You can find the code on GitHub.

Project Setup

The only dependency you need is flexsearch which is a light text search engine used to index, and search content.

npm i flexsearch

Inside your SvelteKit project create these files.

β”œβ”€β”€ lib/
β”‚   └── search.ts
└── routes/
    β”œβ”€β”€ search.json/
    β”‚   └── +server.ts
    └── +page.svelte
  • search.ts is going to house our indexing and search logic
  • search.json is an endpoint that’s going to serve the prerendered content as JSON for indexing (this avoids having to write to a JSON file)
  • +page.svelte is where the search UI lives

The naming, and placement of these files is not important outside the usual SvelteKit conventions for creating routes.

Preparing The Data

You can find example posts in the repo if you want to try it out.

Here I’m just importing the posts and serving them as JSON, but you probably like me have Markdown content that you want to import and strip into plain text.

import { json } from '@sveltejs/kit'
import posts from './posts.json'

export const prerender = true

export async function GET() {
	return json(posts)

If you need an example here is how I’ve done it, but I suggest you use a npm package to remove Markdown.

Creating The Search Index

Creating the search index is simple, and most of the work revolves around replacing the matched text with the <mark> element.

import FlexSearch from 'flexsearch'

let postsIndex: FlexSearch.Index
let posts: Post[]

export function createPostsIndex(data: Post[]) {
  // create the posts index
	postsIndex = new FlexSearch.Index({ tokenize: 'forward' })

	data.forEach((post, i) => {
    // index the title and content together
		const item = `${post.title} ${post.content}`
    // add the item to the index πŸ‘οΈ
		postsIndex.add(i, item)

	posts = data

The tokenize option sets how strict you want the search to be. You would have to type foobar to match the entire word because it’s strict by default. Using the forward option typing fo would match foobar.

Creating The Search Function

Next let’s write the search function.

export function searchPostsIndex(searchTerm: string) {
  // escape special regex characters
	const match = searchTerm.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, '\\$&')
  // return matching post indexes πŸ’ͺ
	const results =

	return results
    // filter the posts based on the matched index
		.map((index) => posts[index as number])
    // you can do whatever you want at this point πŸ‘Œ
		.map(({ slug, title, content }) => {
			return {
        // replace match in title with a marker
				title: replaceTextWithMarker(title, match),
        // match words in post and replace matches with marker
				content: getMatches(content, match),

The \\$& expression returns the escaped character where \\ represents the escape character, and $& is the matched string.

Replacing Matches With A Marker

To replace the matched words with a <mark> element, we need to find the word indexes for the match inside the post, and return them.

function getMatches(text: string, searchTerm: string, limit = 1) {
	// create dynamic regex 😎
	const regex = new RegExp(searchTerm, 'gi')
  // word indexes
	const indexes = []
  // matches count
	let matches = 0
  // current match in loop
	let match

	while ((match = regex.exec(text)) !== null && matches < limit) {
		// push that shit
		// increment matches

  // take the word index...
	return => {
    // go back 20 characters
		const start = index - 20
    // go forward 80 characters
		const end = index + 80
    // yoink the text
		const excerpt = text.substring(start, end).trim()
    // return excerpt 🀝
		return `...${replaceTextWithMarker(excerpt, searchTerm)}...`

function replaceTextWithMarker(text: string, match: string) {
  // create dynamic regex 😎
	const regex = new RegExp(match, 'gi')
  // preserves the text casing πŸ€™
	return text.replaceAll(regex, (match) => `<mark>${match}</mark>`)

I love to use substring over slice in this case because you don’t have to worry if the index is out of bounds since a negative index is going to be 0.

The reason we create a dynamic regex using new RegExp is because you can’t pass a variable to a regex literal /searchTerm/gi.

By default I return one match from the post, but you can return as many as you want, and loop over them.

Creating The Search UI

The only thing left to do is put everything together.

<script lang="ts">
	import { onMount } from 'svelte'
	import { createPostsIndex, searchPostsIndex } from '$lib/search'

	let search: 'loading' | 'ready' = 'loading'
	let searchTerm = ''
	let results = []

	onMount(async () => {
    // get the posts
		const posts = await fetch('/search.json').then((res) => res.json())
		// create search index
    // we're in business 🀝
		search = 'ready'

	$: if (search === 'ready') {
    // runs each time `searchTerm` updates
		results = searchPostsIndex(searchTerm)

{#if search === 'ready'}
	<div class="search">

		<div class="results">
			{#if results}
					{#each results as result}
							<a href="/{result.slug}">
								{@html result.title}
							<p>{@html result.content}</p>

You can find the search styles in the example repo but that’s it! πŸ‘

Using A Web Worker

If you have a lot of content, you might start to notice the UI starting to feel less responsive because the amount of work is blocking the main JavaScript thread, which is a perfect use case for the Web Worker API.

A web worker (not to be confused with service worker) is a way to run your code in the background, separate from the main thread, and send and receive messages from the worker.

Here is some example code.

import { createPostsIndex, searchPostsIndex } from './search'

// listen for messages
addEventListener('message', async (e) => {
	const { type, payload } =

	if (type === 'load') {
    // get the posts data
		const posts = await fetch('/api/search').then((res) => res.json())
		// create search index
    // we're in business 🀝
		postMessage({ type: 'ready' })

	if (type === 'search') {
    // get search term
		const searchTerm = payload.searchTerm
    // search posts index
		const results = searchPostsIndex(searchTerm)
    // send message with results and search term
		postMessage({ type: 'results', payload: { results, searchTerm } })

The computation now happens in a separate background thread, separate from the main thread of our app.

<script lang="ts">
  // Vite has a special import for workers
  import SearchWorker from './search-worker?worker'

	let search: 'idle' | 'load' | 'ready' = 'idle'
	let searchTerm = ''
	let results: Result[] = []
	let searchWorker: Worker

  onMount(() => {
    // create worker
    searchWorker = new SearchWorker()
    // listen for messages
    searchWorker.addEventListener('message', (e) => {
      const { type, payload } =
      type === 'ready' && (search = 'ready')
      type === 'results' && (results = payload.results)
    // initialize when the component mounts
    searchWorker.postMessage({ type: 'load' })

	$: if (search === 'ready') {
		// update results
		searchWorker.postMessage({ type: 'search', payload: { searchTerm } })

You can see the complete code how I implemented it for the search on my site. That’s it, hope you learned something! πŸ˜„


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