Use The Simpler CSS Color Syntax

Published Apr 11, 2021

Table of Contents

CSS Features Are Split Into Modules, and Levels

The CSS specification is a living standard. Instead of shipping large releases that takes years for features to hit browsers, we get them when theyโ€™re ready.

Features of CSS are split into modules, and levels such as CSS Flexbox, or CSS Grid.

The CSS Color Module Level 4 specification adds:

  • Commaless syntaxes for the rgb(), rgba(), hsl(), and hsla() functions
  • Allows alpha values in rgb() and hsl(), turning rgba() and hsla() into (deprecated) aliases for them
  • Adds 4, and 8 digits hex color values, where the last digit(s) represents the alpha value

A lot of these features arenโ€™t new, but theyโ€™re not used frequently either.


Hex codes are probably what youโ€™re used to.

/* hex code */
.element {
  color: #008080;

/* hex shorthand */
.element {
  color: #088;

How the shorthand works is that you abbreviate each color channel using one character to represent red, green, and blue values.

For example #008080 can be read as 00 80 80 โ€” so the shorthand would be #088.

Did you know you can add opacity to a hex color?

Doing so changes the hex code format from #RRGGBB to #RRGGBBAA (8 digits), or #RGBA (4 digits) for the shorthand.

.element {
  /* rgba */
  color: rgba(0, 128, 128, 50%);

  /* hexa (hex + alpha) */
  color: #00808080;

  /* hexa shorthand */
  color: #0888;

Keep in mind the opacity value is represented in hexadecimal.


If youโ€™re using rgb(), you can write it like this instead since the former syntax is going to be deprecated.

/* rgb */
.element {
  color: rgba(0 128 128);

/* rgba */
.element {
  color: rgba(0 128 128 / 50%);


I have a strong preference for hsl() which I plan to cover in another post.

For one it makes it easier to create, and reason about your design system than other values since:

  • Hue is just a degree on the color wheel from 0 to 360 (red to blue)
  • Saturation is a percentage where 0% is gray, and 100% is the full color
  • Lightness is a percentage where 0% is black, and 50% is normal
/* hsl */
.element {
  color: hsl(180 100% 25%);

/* hsla */
.element {
  color: hsla(180 100% 25% / 50%);

You can also use decimal values instead of percentages for the opacity, but I prefer to be explicit.


Thanks for reading. โค๏ธ Hope you learned something!


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