Visualize GitHub Contributions In 3D With Svelte

Published Aug 30, 2023

Table of Contents

GitHub Skyline

In this post Iโ€™m going to show you how to visualize your GitHub contributions graph in 3D using Threlte inspired by GitHub Skyline.

You can find the code on GitHub.

Project Setup

The easiest way to get started is using the Threlte CLI which is going to scaffold a regular SvelteKit project with Threlte.

npm create threlte

Select the @threlte/extras optional package for some helpful utilities. The Threlte CLI is also going to install three and @types/three because it uses Three.js.

Install the dependencies with npm i if you skipped it during the setup and start the development server with npm run dev.

Iโ€™m going to start from scratch and remove everything inside lib and routes.

Scene Setup

Inside routes/+page.svelte Iโ€™m going to set up a 3D scene.

<script lang="ts">
	import { Canvas } from '@threlte/core'
	import Scene from './scene.svelte'

<div class="scene">
		<Scene />

	.scene {
		position: absolute;
		inset: 0;
		background-color: hsl(200 10% 10%);


You donโ€™t have to read it but in another post on using SvelteKit for web scraping we created a GitHub contributions API for this exact purpose.

Here is the GitHub repository which you can host yourself in case the API ever goes down, or create an API endpoint in SvelteKit and copy the code.

Showing The Contributions

I want to get the types out of the way, which you can ignore if youโ€™re not using TypeScript.

type Day = {
	count: number
	day: number
	level: number
	month: string
	name: string
	year: number

export type Contributions = Array<Day | null>

Iโ€™m going to fetch the data on the client because thereโ€™s no need for server-side rendering.

<script lang="ts">
	import { onMount } from 'svelte'
	import type { Contributions } from '$lib/types'

	let contributions: Contributions[] = []

	onMount(async () => {
		const response = await fetch('')
		contributions = await response.json()

Iโ€™m going to add a grid, camera, lights, and iterate over the contribution rows to render a cube for each day.

Everything in Threlte extends Three.js from the <T> component.

<script lang="ts">
	import { onMount } from 'svelte'
  import { T } from '@threlte/core'
	import { Align, Grid, OrbitControls } from '@threlte/extras'
	import type { Contributions } from '$lib/types'

	let contributions: Contributions[] = []

	onMount(async () => {
		const response = await fetch('')
		contributions = await response.json()


<T.PerspectiveCamera makeDefault position={[10, 100, 100]} fov={60}>
	<OrbitControls enableDamping autoRotate />

<T.AmbientLight color="#fff" intensity={0.4} />
<T.DirectionalLight position={[0, 200, 200]} intensity={2} color="#fff" />
<T.DirectionalLight position={[0, 200, -200]} color="#fff" intensity={2} />

<Align auto position.y={100}>
	{#each contributions as row, i}
		{#each row as day, j}
			{#if day}
				<T.Group position={[0, 0, 12 * i]}>
					<T.Mesh position={[12 * j, day.count / 2, 0]}>
						<T.BoxGeometry args={[10, day.count, 10]} />
						<T.MeshStandardMaterial color="#fff" />

Changing The Colors

Right now the cubes are white, but Iโ€™m going to create a getColor() function to get the color based on the day level from the API.

<script lang="ts">
	function getColor(level: number) {
		switch (level) {
			case 0:
				return '#0e0e0e'
			case 1:
				return '#00442a'
			case 2:
				return '#006d35'
			case 3:
				return '#00a648'
			case 4:
				return '#00d35c'

<!-- ... -->
<Align auto position.y={40}>
	{#each contributions as row, i}
		{#each row as day, j}
			{#if day}
				{@const color = getColor(day.level)}

				<T.Group position={[0, 0, 12 * i]}>
					<T.Mesh position={[12 * j, y / 2, 0]}>
						<T.BoxGeometry args={[10, y, 10]} />
						<T.MeshStandardMaterial {color} />

Make It Look More Interesting

I want to make the visualization more interesting by having a base height for the contributions, multiply the existing height for more visual interest, and set a limit for the height.

<script lang="ts">
	function normalize(count: number, base = 4, offset = 2) {
		switch (true) {
			case count === 0:
				return base
			case count > 40:
				return count
				return count * (base + offset)

<!-- ... -->
<Align auto position.y={40}>
	{#each contributions as row, i}
		{#each row as day, j}
			{#if day}
				{@const color = getColor(day.level)}
				{@const y = normalize(day.count)}

				<T.Group position={[0, 0, 12 * i]}>
					<T.Mesh position={[12 * j, y / 2, 0]}>
						<T.BoxGeometry args={[10, y, 10]} />
						<T.MeshStandardMaterial color={getColor(day.level)} />

Animating The Contributions

To animate the cube height we can use the tweened store from Svelte and interpolate the scale.y value from 0 to 1.

If you try and set the scale on the mesh itself itโ€™s going to scale from the center, and for that reason we set it on the group.

<script lang="ts">
	import { onMount } from 'svelte'
	import { tweened } from 'svelte/motion'
	import { quadInOut } from 'svelte/easing'
	import { T } from '@threlte/core'
	import { Align, Grid, OrbitControls } from '@threlte/extras'
	import type { Contributions } from '$lib/types'

	const scaleY = tweened(0, { duration: 2000, easing: quadInOut })

	onMount(() => {
		$scaleY = 1

<!-- ... -->
<Align auto position.y={40}>
	{#each contributions as row, i}
		{#each row as day, j}
			{#if day}
				{@const color = getColor(day.level)}
				{@const y = normalize(day.count)}

				<T.Group position={[0, 0, 12 * i]} scale.y={$scaleY}>
					<T.Mesh position={[12 * j, y / 2, 0]}>
						<T.BoxGeometry args={[10, y, 10]} />
						<T.MeshStandardMaterial color={getColor(day.level)} />

Thatโ€™s it! ๐ŸŽ‰


You can subscribe on YouTube, or consider becoming a patron if you want to support my work.

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